Aquatec Maxcon Group has been proudly serving the Water Industry in Australia and overseas for over 47 years. We aim to build on our rich history to continue our vision of being a leading water technology company globally and in business in 100 years’ time. We are committed to ensuring that our shareholders, employees, clients, community and the environment in which we operate are treated in a manner befitting a responsible corporate citizen.
Aquatec Maxcon Group aims to achieve this through:
Providing safe, potable water supplies and safe disposal of waste. This has been proven to dramatically increase human life expectancy – even more so than modern medicine. What we do is important to everyone!
- Providing a multidisciplinary integrated approach to ensure sustainable water and wastewater treatment solutions that are not only economically viable, but ensure a safe, healthy and environmentally proactive outcome for communities.
- Delivering cost effective solutions that benefit the environment and frequently result in lower embedded carbon (Nereda®, ICUASB, Circox etc.).
- Delivering more efficient solutions that result in facilities and treatment processes with lower carbon footprints (Nereda®, Anammox, Digestions and Biogas Power Generation).
- Delivering leading and efficient technologies to make water and wastewater service delivery more affordable to our customers.
- Implementing proactive controls that take into account risk, compliance and best practice.
- Being a valued partner to customers, suppliers and international principals.
- Providing reliable and safe outcomes for our staff and customers while protecting our environment from harm through our integrated Management Systems.
- Facilitating long term sustainable outcomes through owning and managing our own facilities and utilising solar panels, microturbine power generation, rainwater harvesting etc.
- Providing long term, stable employment – some of our staff have over 45 years’ experience with us.
- Providing employees with job satisfaction, opportunities for development, an excellent working environment and an enjoyable, team focused work experience.
- Offering a wide variety of employment opportunities and career paths – some people have started with us in unskilled roles and progressed to become managers of our companies.
- Offering employment opportunities in a number of cities and countries with the opportunity to move between them within the Group.
- Building a diverse and inclusive workforce, offering employment based on merit irrespective of race or gender – our staff represent over 20 nationalities.
- Seeking to provide opportunities for work experience, graduates, trainees and apprentices in a wide range of areas.
- Cooperating with Universities for research and provision of scholarships.
- Engaging in and contributing to community projects.
- Involvement in various fundraisers.