Aquatec Maxcon Charity Fundraiser 2014

Every year, Aquatec Maxcon hold an annual fundraiser to raise money for various charitable organisations.

We leave it up to our staff to decide on the organisation that will benefit from the fundraiser, and for the second year running, they have chosen to donate 100% of the proceeds raised to The Movember Foundation.

This is in aid of Men’s Health, to help improve the mental, physical and social health of boys and men in Australia, through education and understanding of how their health is shaped by the various aspects of their lives.

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In the first Movember fundraiser we held last year, we got some of our more established staff members to shave off their Mo's, some of which had been maintained for over 30 years!

This year, we held a great big BBQ and a raffle with prizes very kindly donated by our suppliers. Aquatec Maxcon Group and our staff were instrumental in raising over $1000 for The Movember Foundation.

Aquatec Maxcon would like to sincerely thank all of our staff for purchasing raffle tickets and suppliers for donating prizes, thanks to them the event was a great success, and a very worthy organisation has benefited from everyone involved's generosity.

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Aquatec Maxcon awarded the upgrade of Gordonbrook Water Treatment Plant

South Burnett Regional Council has awarded the contract to design & construct the upgrade to Gordonbrook WTP to Aquatec Maxcon.

AQM Circle

 Gordonbrook WTP, located alongside Gordonbrook Dam, provides drinking water to Kingaroy Town, which has a current population of approx. 9,500 people. As a result of prevalent water quality and capacity issues, the plant upgrade will be designed to include:

  • Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) and THM precursor red
    uction by PAC 
    dosing & contacting, enhanced coagulation and GAC media filtration
  • Bulk solids removal by pre-clarification process
  • Algae and fine solids removal by dissolved airflotation-filtration (DAFF) process
  • Capacity upgrade to 135 L/s inlet capacity, providing up to 9.1 ML per day drinking water to Kingaroy 

Part of the challenge with this project is the seamless integration of the new plant with existing operations, such that water production will not be compromised during the entire course of the contract.
Highlights of technologies to be provided by Aquatec Maxcon include:

  •  Stainless steel lamella plate and sludge collector equipment for the pre-clarification stage
  •   'Statiflo' in line motionless mixers for the coagulant and post chemical mixing applications
  •   New low-profile stainless steel lateral type filter underdrain systems to facilitate deeper filter media bed depth

Australia's first Nereda® Plant

Aquatec Maxcon has been awarded a design and construct contract to undertake the upgrade of the Kingaroy WWTP to a design population of 12,500 persons by South Burnett Regional Council. This will be the first in Australia to utilise the world leading Nereda® aerobic granular sludge technology.

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Water will be reclaimed for re-use on sporting fields and also meets the stringent effluent discharge standards. Nereda® technology was selected as a result of achieving both  lower capital and operating costs than competing tenders.

Nereda® Technology stemmed from research at Delft University, The Netherlands and has been developed and commercialised by Royal Haskoning DHV with whom we are excited to work on this ground-breaking project. Aquatec Maxcon is the exclusive Australian partner of RHDHV for Nereda® Technology.

“Nereda® technology delivers more sustainable outcomes as it uses smaller structures, consumes fewer resources in construction and also requires less energy and chemicals.  It is expected to become the new industry standard” according to Greg Johnston, Managing Director, Aquatec Maxcon.

Aquatec Maxcon is looking forward to working closely South Burnett Regional Council in delivering this exciting, innovative project which has also been supported by $10m in funding from the Queensland State Government through its Royalties for the Regions funding program.

Wandoan WWTP Plant Upgrade

Tanks and Water 270x203Aquatec Maxcon has designed and constructed the process, mechanical, electrical and civil works for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade in the township of Wandoan.

Key features of this plant are:


  • Inlet Works, including 3mm fine screen and manual bypass screen.
  • Biological Reactors utilising our unique Hybrid Biological Nutrient Reduction technology.
  • Biological Phosphorous removal.
  • Aerobic Digestion.
  • Chemical dosing including caustic soda, Lime and sodium hypochlorite.
  • Sludge Dewatering System (Centrifuge) including polymer dosing.









Western Downs Regional Council


Wandoan, QLD


Wastewater Treatment



$5.5 million







Completion Date:


Brownfield site needed to be upgraded to meet nutrient requirements

HNBR Technology

Compact in design and produces effluent that exceeds licence criteria.


Inlet Works, Surface Aeration, Pump Stations, Chemical Dosing, Sludge Dewatering.


December 2013


Aquatec Maxcon at OzWater 2014

Aquatec Maxcon are exhibiting at Ozwater 2014, which is being held at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre from 29 April – 1 May 2014. We will be located at stand No. 2N20.

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We welcome any discussion of your water and wastewater treatment needs.

 Experts in their field visiting our stand include:

Matthew Johnson, BioAir Solutions USA - Odour Control Technologies 

Ronald Niermans and Charlotte Spliethoff of Royal HaskoningDHV - Nereda® - Aerobic Granular Technology      

Presenters at Ozwater’14 are:


Tuesday 29th April 2014:

Anthony Davey, Aquatec Maxcon Pty Ltd "How Advance Water Technologies can Reduce Water Quality Risk"

Alistair MacNab, Trojan Technologies, Canada "Effectiveness and Impact of UV Oxidation for T&O Treatment in Drinking Water"


Wednesday 30th April 2014:

Matthew Johnson, BioAir Solutions, USA "Use of Biotrickling Filters for Total Odour Control at Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants”


Poster Presentation by:

Max Garavaglia, Aquatec Maxcon Pty Ltd “Construction and Operation of Hybrid BNR Plants in Regional and Remote Australian Locations”


We look forward to seeing you at Ozwater’14.

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